The Club was founded in 1898, one of the oldest in the country, and remains a popular venue for our members to this day.
The club supports 3 snooker teams, poker nights, whist drives and bingo in addition to regular Saturday night entertainment.
The dedicated and pro-active officers and committee strive to maintain an interesting programme of entertainment for the members. Bookmark the site to ensure that you keep informed of the upcoming events.
Each year we support a charity and host regular fund raising events.
The President – Mike Sanderson, is rightly proud of the clubs principles and ideals which is reflected in the following statement:
“The club strives to uphold traditional values of friendship and support for its members within a safe and welcoming environment ensuring that the profitability allows for re-investment to keep the club fully equipped and financially healthy.”
Our members and their guests can enjoy the facilities 7 days a week. Ample parking is available.